Monday 19 August 2013

My iPod #120: Sex Pistols - Bodies

Hi guys.

I've been quite ill this week. It started with a sore throat two days ago, and then just escalated into a cold and now I'm sneezing all over the place with a headache, cough etc. etc. It's not great. Still, I've got a song to get through. Let's go.

Sex Pistols were the source of many a controversy during their original three year tenure in the seventies. The album's name was at the centre of an obscenity case, and the songs included sparked up even more debate.

"Bodies" is one of my favourite songs from the album. Originally, I didn't care for "Never Mind" so much. I only downloaded it in 2009 when I had my YouTube channel, where I uploaded albums so other people could listen to them. That was when whole albums couldn't be uploaded too. I didn't thing the songs were worth listening to, but I didn't take the time to actually listen to them anyway. "Anarchy in the UK" and "God Save the Queen" were the two I had heard several times. I probably assumed that all the other songs would sound the same.

I was very wrong. "Bodies" is like nothing else on the album. It's probably the most intense song out of the other eleven, not just because of the subject matter, but also musically. Johnny Rotten is very graphic in depicting a "screaming bloody mess" of an abortion, and also manages to utter the word 'fuck' in only a matter of seconds. Overall, the song's major key gives of a positive vibe. If you were to hear this in a bar or something, you wouldn't sit down to analyse the lyrics. You'd be more likely to be screaming them in the face of a random person who's also singing along to it.

It's a song that wouldn't have a chance to be released whatsoever if it was released today. I guess that's what made the band so notorious in its prime.

Until tomorrow.


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