Friday 16 August 2013

My iPod #117: George Harrison - Blow Away

A very recent addition to my iPod. I only put it on there for a few weeks ago. And with good reason.

From the posts I've done so far, it may seem that my favourite Beatle is George Harrison. I don't know how many I've done, but I know I've covered far more songs by him compared to the other three. Don't worry, other songs will come soon. There's no denying that George Harrison was a pretty cool guy.

I was searching around for George Harrison songs on YouTube, and I saw "George Harrison - Blow Away" which has more than a million views. So I thought it must be good if it has that many views.

I listened to it, and like the many other times when I hear something for the first time... I didn't think it was anything much. Then the chorus got into my head. Then I saw the lyrics, started to sing along to it, and realised that this may be the happiest song I've ever heard in my life. What is it about this song that made me repeat it on the way to the instrument shop to get my guitar fixed, and back home again? The song arrangement is simple with a verse-chorus-verse etc. thing going. I think it's the melody - it's just so lovely. This song is so good. It makes me cheer up so hard.

At first I thought the song was about the weather. The video only reinforced that idea. The whole weather imagery is just a metaphor for Harrison's feelings. He was feeling down, and so he wrote the song to remind himself to be more optimistic.

"Blow Away" can be found on George Harrison's self-titled album from 1979, the year in which he became a father.

Until tomorrow.


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