Wednesday 31 July 2013

My iPod #101: Guttermouth - Black Enforcers

Hi everybody.

I'm not a huge fan of Guttermouth, but it was their song in "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3" - which I'll dedicate a post to later on - that got me interested in them. Particularly the album "Covered with Ants", the album that song is on. I had good times with THPS3, burying the bully in Canada, being really excited when I managed to grind the molten bucket in Foundry, and the soundtrack is one of the best in any game ever. It's a must buy - even if it's for the PS2.

I was nine years old around the time and I really wanted to listen to that the track on my computer so I tried to search fo it in the Guide section on an old version of Windows Media Player. It wasn't there. This song was though. I liked it, it rocked. Even though it was only a minute and ten seconds long. But it just wasn't the same as "Destroying the World". The chorus didn't compare and it was probably too short for me to really get into it.

Do you know how hard it was to find songs to listen to on demand all those years ago? I didn't know what Napster or Limewire was, there was no YouTube or Spotify to go to. I had to deal with 30 second clips on random music sites, that was the closest I could listen to "Destroying the World". It was also the way I heard "Cram It Up Your Ass" for the first time, which is the funniest yet disturbingly creepiest song on the album.

Thanks to Spotify I was able to listen to "Covered with Ants" last year, and "Black Enforcers" stood out for me. It's the penultimate track on the album, and another song with a really angry sounding riff. Makes me want to punch a wall. And shout at something. You know that episode of The Simpsons when Homer joins that secret society "The Stonecutters" and he starts singing the theme song with Lenny and Carl and everyone else. Well, this is the theme song for the "Black Enforcers" where if you don't know the rules.... then you don't know the rules and the original members have 'got no pity on you'. The song absolutely rocks, the only problem I have with it is the bass. Where is the bass? It's like they completely mixed it down, you're not The White Stripes for goodness sake. I'm just saying the presence of a bass might have added an extra something.

Until tomorrow.


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