Saturday 22 March 2014

My iPod #257: Coldplay - Death and All His Friends

Ah, Coldplay. Not my favourite group. But nevertheless they are back with a new album, their sixth to be exact, in May entitled "Ghost Stories". They've put out two songs already: "Midnight", which got some polarizing feedback due to its minimalism  - and the first official single "Magic" which is quite similar to "Midnight in the way that there are barely any instruments in it, but actually has a beat and a good melody. It is the one which I like a bit myself and it is better than the former song. But that's just my opinion.

Today's song is the other title track from Coldplay's fourth album "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends", commonly known as "Viva la Vida". Most people know it for the album where Coldplay changed. They went around wearing suits a la The Beatles during the Sgt. Pepper phase and generally went for a new approach in making their music. Some may have found it pretentious. I think it's their best album. I have "Parachutes", "A Rush" & "X&Y"; they have their moments, but "Viva" along with "Prospekt's March" - that is good listening. No to "Mylo Xyloto" though.

The beginning of "Death and All His Friends" is actually a song that was meant to be separate altogether. This was its original incarnation. It's very calm and soothing for the first half before bursting into life when the rest of the band join in and abruptly changing into the soaring and climactic ending (in 7/4 time signature) which will catch any first listener by surprise. The song is a triumphant ending to a wonderful album. There is a full version of the instrumental that you hear at the beginning of the very first track of the album, but I cut that out before putting it on my iPod. You can't beat that ending.

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