Monday 6 January 2014

My iPod #212: Blur - Country House

"Country House" by Blur was the first single from the band's fourth album "The Great Escape". Released at the height of 'Britpop' in 1995, the single went head-to-head with Oasis' song "Roll with It" for the number one spot. "Country House" won, and stayed number one for two weeks before Michael Jackson knocked it off.

The song is about a man who buys a house in the country (no..... really?) to get away from the city but still isn't very happy with his life. You wouldn't be able to tell though. It reminds me of one of those songs that, when you're really drunk, you grab your mate and put your arm around their shoulder and start yelling the words along to it. Then the brass coda kicks in near the end and you start doing the can-can and stuff.

It never fails to cheer me up, even though it can become a bit grating if you were to repeat it over and over again. Just because of the over emphasised English accent and the cheery music. It just shouts out, "Hey! We're soooo British, look at us!" and that could annoy some people.

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