Thursday 4 April 2013

My iPod #40: The Rutles - Another Day

Hi everyone.

It's my birthday tomorrow. Yaaaaaaaaaaay. I am getting older. I will no longer be seventeen in a few hours.

How will I celebrate this day? Probably revising. I will do something with friends though, that's a guarantee. I'm not socially awkward or anything.

Where does the time go? I remember turning seventeen like it was two days ago. Oh well, here's to another healthy year on this earth, and may good tidings come my way in the future.

Back to the music.

Lately when I watched a Rutles video on YouTube, some idiot posted 'Oh my god, these guys are trying to hard to be The Beatles. They make the same kind of music and everything', or something along those lines.

Well no shit, Sherlock.

The Rutles are a parody of the band, created by Eric Idle of Monty Python fame, and Neil Innes of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. The band was originally part of a sketch in the show 'Rutland Weekend Television', however the 'Pre-Fab Four' gained fame in the television film, 'All You Need Is Cash'. A must-watch, it's very funny. John Lennon and George Harrison liked it, so.... you know. Witness it.

'Another Day' isn't featured in the film, but can be found on the soundtrack album. It's an obvious parody on 'Martha My Dear' from The White Album, with 'Dirk McQuickly' on lead vocals. Really it's sung by Ollie Halsall, a left-handed guitar player who provided lead vocals on all the 'Paul' songs of the album. If you want to find out more about him there won't be anything recent, he passed away in 1992.

I've pretty much summed it up right there. Neil Innes wrote all the songs for The Rutles, and his songs sounded so much like The Beatles that, apparently, he was taken to court by owners of The Beatles' catalogue. The song 'Cheese and Onions' even appeared on a John Lennon bootleg because it sounded so much like him.

Innes' lyrics are very clever too. I didn't even know the word 'pusillanimous' existed until I heard this song.

Until next time.


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