Saturday 21 September 2013

My iPod #153: Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the Way

Well, here I am. The end of another letter. It's the end of 'B'. I've been doing this since the day I finished my A-Levels, and now I'm in university. That's crazy. It's weird to think about. It seems very fitting for it to end on this note.

When will 'C' start? God only knows. I wouldn't say this is the end of "My iPod", but I can't see a point in the near future when I'll start writing about my favourite songs in alphabetical order. It's a shame. It will be back... soon. Hopefully.


The video for this song is now censored when it plays on "MTV Rocks" in the UK. It takes out all the best scenes too. Why?! I don't get it.

"By the Way" was the Chili Peppers' first single and title track of the band's eighth album in 2002. The song proved to be very popular in the USA and the UK reaching number one in the many charts they have in the former, and number two in the latter.

The music video features Dave Sheridan (Officer Doofy) who kidnaps Anthony Kiedis with his taxi, a lot of other shit happens, Anthony escapes and Sheridan picks up Chad Smith at the end. It's action-packed to say the least. If you haven't seen it, it's probably one of the best videos that accompanies the tone and mood of the song.

The song initially trolls you with its quiet, Scar Tissue-esque introduction before launching into a pumping combat/style instrumental break driven by Flea's bass and Anthony's rapping before launching into the uprising chorus. It's brilliant stuff to listen to.

I guess that's it. I'll see you when I see you. I hope you'll be waiting for......... me.


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