Saturday 12 April 2014

My iPod #278: Gorillaz - Dirty Harry

Woop woop, hi everyone. Can you tell I am in a good mood? Only because the football team I've supported for about twelve years has made it to the final of a tournament, and actually have a chance of winning their first piece of silverware in nine years. It has been a long wait, but it has never stopped me dreaming.

Still, I have a song to write about. It's "Dirty Harry", another reference to Clint Eastwood, the song and third single from "Demon Days" by the cartoon group Gorillaz. The video for the track was another that premiered in the very early hours of a morning in 2005; I watched it, but I had a very hard time remembering the melody because I was almost half asleep whilst viewing it. It got its airtime on every music channel but failed to reach number one in the charts like "Feel Good Inc." or "DARE", and peaked at number six. That's not that bad either, considering interest for "Demon Days" had not diminished in any way at the time.

"Dirty Harry" was actually released a few years earlier albeit in a more minimal, and unfinished manner. This time, the song was risen to a higher pedestal thanks to the addition of a children's choir and a rap by Bootie Brown, rapper from hip-hop group The Pharcyde.

Simply it is a funky and upbeat song about a very serious matter, which ends with maniacal laughter and segues into the next track.... you all know that one.

Yeah, give it a listen why don't you.

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