Thursday 1 May 2014

Farewell. (My iPod #297: Weezer - Dope Nose)

I've given up. I can't do this anymore. A year and a bit of spouting endless rubbish about the songs I have on my iPod. How could I keep that going? This is the last post I'll be doing. On here anyway. I'm moving to WordPress.

Even before I started this blog I always questioned myself on which blogging platform was the best to start it on. I chose Blogger 'cause it looked simple and easy to control. It is. But it's for those reasons that I feel it's time to move. Blogger looks too simple. I also think that I would get a bit more views if I were to go on WordPress. It looks so fancy and professional.

Blogger's cool, but from either tomorrow or Saturday - it's WordPress from here on out.

Let's not end on a downer.

Here's "Dope Nose" by Weezer, the first single from their fourth album "Maladroit" and believed to be written on the same night as another popular song by the band. The video is quite confusing; I wasn't expecting Japanese motorcyclists either, but the track sounds like it should be played with motorcycles being revved up in the background.

Musically, the track is probably one of Weezer's best post-Pinkerton. It has an edgy 70s hard rock roughness to it, complete with an awesome solo in the middle. However, it is backed up with some rather odd lyrics about cheese smelling good on a burnt piece of lamb and a fag of the year who could beat up your man. You will have a brief  'what did he just say' moment when hearing that for the first time, but the music is so good that it overshadows it. You'll be singing along to those weird lyrics in no time.

It is a celebratory song. I think the term 'dope nose' is a pun on the word 'dope knows', so Rivers is calling out to the haters and telling 'em he knows what he's doing. Who those haters are, I don't know. I should hope they weren't hating when they heard this song for the first time.

That'll do, Blogger. That'll do.

I'll be back soon. Hopefully all the posts you find on this site will be on the new one. I will provide you with a link as soon as I make it.

See you real soon.

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